Customer Stories
Jonathan & Jordan Pullias

Pullias Woodworking

"More than a 15% increase in revenue!"

Campaign Goals and Objectives

When Jonathan and Jordan Pullias, the skilled craftsmen behind Pullias Woodworking, approached Boro Business Lab for help with generating online leads, they knew they needed a strategic solution. Their custom cabinet-making business had always relied on word-of-mouth referrals, but they were ready to expand their reach. The goal of the marketing campaign was simple: generate more online leads and boost sales.

Given the challenges faced by Pullias Woodworking, a limited budget, an an ineffective website, and no online visibility, the marketing team knew they needed to create a tailored strategy that maximized results while addressing these issues. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the campaign included online lead generation, increase in website visits, and increased revenue from new customers.

Overcoming Challenges

To overcome the initial challenges faced by Pullias Woodworking, Boro Business Lab took the following steps:

  1. Developed a Simple and Effective Website: A well-designed, user-friendly website was created to showcase the beautiful cabinetry work by Pullias Woodworking and make it easier for potential customers to get in touch.
  2. Implemented Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing the website ensured higher visibility on search engines, increasing the chances of attracting potential clients.
  3. Created a Google Ads Campaign: The marketing team developed and executed a targeted Google Ads campaign that effectively reached individuals and businesses seeking custom cabinetry solutions.

Strategies and Tactics

The major strategies employed in the campaign were:

  1. Paid Advertising: The Google Ads campaign allowed Pullias Woodworking to gain immediate visibility and reach their target audience, all while staying within a limited budget.
  2. Content Marketing: Showcasing their exquisite cabinetry work through high-quality photos and engaging copy on their website allowed potential clients to see firsthand the quality and craftsmanship they could expect from Pullias Woodworking.
  3. Utilizing Metrics and Analytics: Throughout the campaign, the marketing team closely monitored the performance of their Google Ads, adjusting targeting and bidding strategies as needed to maximize results and efficiency.

Results and Achievements

The impact of the Google Ads campaign was immediate and impressive. In just the first week, Pullias Woodworking began receiving online leads. Within the first two weeks, they secured a $15,000 sale directly as a result of the campaign. Over the course of the campaign, the company experienced a 15% increase in revenue, demonstrating the value of their investment in Boro Business Lab.

Following one and a half years of working with Boro Business Lab, Pullias Woodworking’s business had grown so significantly that they had to rearrange their entire production process to meet the increased demand. With their production calendar booked six months in advance, the company saw a clear increase in customer engagement and sales.


For Pullias Woodworking, partnering with Boro Business Lab and launching a targeted Google Ads campaign proved to be a winning strategy. By leveraging digital marketing tactics, innovative solutions, and a tailored approach, the company was able to overcome the challenges they faced and achieve impressive results. The Pullias Woodworking case study showcases the power of a well-executed marketing campaign to generate leads, increase sales, and significantly grow a business